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Oh, hello!

Goodness me,

A fresh website! A fresh blog! I can hardly believe that all my things are actually together in one place and not scattered across 15 different places on the internet!

If you have been following along with my adventures for some time, well firstly, THANK YOU SO MUCH! And secondly, it may please you to know that I will be trying to tend to this blog on the regular to share some more detailed, behind the scene adventures as well as other fun things like inspiration sources and my favourite muses (of which there are many). I love social media, but always enjoyed reading and writing blogs for a bit more of a cosy ‘get to know you’ vibe…so here we are! I actually started off in the ‘blog-osphere’ so it feels good to be back! This year actually marks 10 years since I launched my first blog ‘i make. you wear it’.


When I started that blog, I couldn’t have imagined the journey it would take me on. From making 365 dresses in a year, to launching my own label, to working professionally as a womenswear designer…to discovering a love of tinsel (ha!) and even working with Disney! It has truly been a wild ride.

As it’s been just over 10 years working away at all this, I have been taking some time to reflect and look back on how things have changed and developed. It’s amazing how things have evolved (including my sewing skills!). Gosh, doing a little look through some old facebook albums, part of me can’t even believe HOW I got started?! I literally had NO idea how to sew when I began this journey and honestly, some of the things I initially made were definitely questionable - there were a lot of hanky hems there for a moment haha.

But what I really loved on looking back, was how some things have changed, but a core love for femme, whimsical, hand made design has persisted. I have also loved noticing how some designs have clearly stayed in my heart…but have evolved into new iterations. I thought it would actually be cool to do some little photo compares from some of my really early stuff, to recent work! Take a squiz at the below…it’s crazy how I just keep coming back to the same things…


Nawww lil 2010, 21 years old (!?!?!?!?) Rachel! That 2010 pic from above was the very first frock I made for my blog ‘i make. you wear it’. I was a fresh little university drop out at this stage, and had set myself the first challenge of making a dress on a pal every week for 20 weeks.

Fast forward 11 years and it’s good to see I’m still wearing ditsy florals, bent over, pinning frocks! It does feel like I’m still setting zany goals too. but I really wouldn’t have it any other way!

So if you’re a new face…hello! Or an old face…good to see ya again! Either way, thanks for following along and even reading this post, looking forward to using this fresh site to document the next chapter of this wild adventure. I can’t wait.

Rach xx

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